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How Does the Battery Storage System Work?

VoltX Energy Residential Battery Storage System

Battery storage systems are one of the renewable energy areas that are continuously being developed due to their promising and proven potential. Basically, this is a fusion of solar and battery advancements and can be found in residential, off-grid, or even commercial settings.

So how do these power systems work? A battery storage works by storing electrical energy in a rechargeable power pack. This allows users to utilise the stored energy at a later time to cut down costs or enjoy grid independence altogether.

In a typical solar battery storage system, the basic components would include solar panels, a battery bank, and an inverter. The shortest explanation for the entire process would be: the panels generate energy from the sun which will then be stored inside the battery for later use, while the included inverter will convert the direct current (DC) electricity to alternating current (AC) electricity for powering electrical devices.

A battery storage system can also be charged from the grid instead of via solar panels. Once it's fully charged, any excess energy can either be stored for future use or fed back into the grid, depending on the configuration of the system.

When used in households, these systems can be DC-coupled or AC-coupled. In a DC-coupled setup, the battery is integrated into a solar power system with a single inverter that converts the energy into usable electricity.

An AC-coupled system, on the other hand, is separate from a solar system and is directly connected to the house wiring via a bi-directional battery inverter. This means it uses local AC electricity to charge the battery and discharge it directly to the house.

Battery Storage Systems: A Step-By-Step Process

Here's a breakdown of how an AC-coupled battery storage system works in a household:

  1. The solar panels take in energy from the sunlight.
  2. This generated solar energy travels as a direct current (DC) via the solar inverter and will later be converted into usable alternating current (AC).
  3. The switchboard will direct the solar energy first to your appliances and then help bring back any excess energy to the battery inverter.
  4. The battery inverter converts the energy into a form of storable energy.
  5. The battery bank stores the energy for later use.

During the use of stored energy...

  1. The battery sends stored energy through the battery inverter to power your home.
  2. Meanwhile, your switchboard works to direct the converted energy to your appliances.
  3. In case your battery runs out of charge, the grid will kick in and provide the electricity to keep your appliances powered.

Why Are Battery Storage Systems Beneficial?

Battery storage systems can be relatively expensive with prices ranging between $8,000 to $15,000. Despite this, they make economic sense, especially for some homes in terms of reducing energy costs and achieving grid independence. Households with high-power consumption mostly opt for solar-generated and stored power as it can pay for itself in less than 10 years.

More and more people are investing in home battery storage lately as well, or at least going for battery-ready solar PV systems. They're especially prevalent in areas prone to power supply issues.

If you're looking to have a battery storage system installed, we recommend getting quotes from reputable installers before committing to battery installation. Working with a trusted energy solutions provider is the first step to setting up a reliable power system plus it ensures a strong warranty and dedicated support in the event of any faults.

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