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Your Ultimate Guide to On-Grid Solar Panel Power Systems

Your Ultimate Guide to On-Grid Solar Panel Power Systems

The continuous rise in energy prices in the country has prompted the majority of Australian households to opt for cost-saving, sustainable energy resources. An on-grid solar panel power system is one of the most popular alternative energy options, mainly due to its track record of effectively reducing monthly energy bills in an environmentally friendly way.  

What is a solar panel on-grid system, anyway? On-grid means your solar system is connected to your utility's grid. In a way, your grid system acts as your battery space, and any excess solar power you generate is fed back to the grid. In return, you get paid a feed-in tariff, which helps you offset the initial cost of your system and save more.  

Once electricity enters your switchboard, your meter tracks any surplus solar energy generated. It measures the energy exported to the grid when your solar panels produce excess power and records the energy drawn from the grid on days when your solar panel system fails to generate sufficient electricity. 

The main difference between an on-grid solar system and an off-grid solar system is energy independence. An off-grid solar system operates independently of the utility grid, relying solely on solar panels, substantial battery storage, and often an additional backup power source such as a generator to sustain a household.  

These systems, also known as standalone systems, are prevalent among homeowners in areas without grid access, such as rural regions or remote cabins. The lack of grid-connected power requires users to maximise their off-grid solar power system, particularly during inclement weather conditions where reliable power is essential. 

The downside of an on-grid solar panel setup is that your system would be vulnerable to blackouts since you're still heavily dependent on the public utility grid, unlike in an off-grid setup, where you're totally self-sufficient.    

Despite this, more households still choose on-grid systems, especially since you can pair them with a home battery to store excess energy in case of power shortage or outage. 

Why Should You Add a Battery to Your Solar Panel On-Grid System? 

A battery storage system is an additional expense but also brings added benefits, which makes every penny worth it. These are by far the best energy storage systems you can opt for, as they boost your energy independence and savings!   

Storing energy in an on-grid battery system will save you from a sudden power outage and keep your essential appliances running. It also translates to an even lower electricity bill as it helps cover a bigger chunk of your daily power consumption than solar panels alone. It also minimises your carbon footprint so you can do your bit for the environment!   

There are several options if you're considering purchasing an on-grid battery storage system in addition to your on-grid solar panel setup. However, careful planning should be done as these battery packs can be pricey. You need to take into account several factors like capacity, power rating, reliability, and service life to ensure you make the most of your money.  

Before investing, compare the total cost of the solar battery and installation with potential savings over time. Whether it's right for you depends on your usage habits and situation. For best results, consult a reliable retailer for advice on whether adding a solar battery to your on-grid solar panel system is a good choice for you now and which options best suit your needs. 

The Advantages of Adding a Battery to Your Solar Panel On-Grid System 

Still hesitant about adding a battery storage system to your on-grid solar panel setup? Check out the top benefits of an on-grid battery storage solution and you might just be convinced to give it a shot! 

Energy Independence 

To elaborate on what was mentioned earlier, pairing a battery to your solar panel on-grid system allows you to enjoy ample electricity even in a power outage. It also helps you optimise your consumption, especially during peak demand hours.  

Usually, prices are lower during daylight hours but rise at night when electricity demand peaks. By storing energy during low-rate periods and utilising it during high-rate hours, you can achieve daily savings, accumulating significant cost reductions in the long run. 

Moreover, some solar batteries are even programmed with software you can access via phone. This feature allows you to keep track of your consumption and set the battery to charge and discharge as necessary.  

Reduced Electricity Bills 

Solar panels cover around 30% to 50% of an average home's power consumption. Adding a solar battery will boost this percentage to 90%, manifesting through reduced monthly energy costs. Imagine having a reliable alternative energy source during peak demand hours—now that should cut down those bills significantly! 

It's also important to note that installing a home battery would mean losing some of your solar feed-in tariff revenue. For example, if you charge a 6kW battery during the daytime, you will see a 6kW less tariff on your next bill.  

Convenient Maintenance 

Batteries act as a backup power source for any on-grid solar panel system and compared to other backup power equipment, they are the easiest to maintain. These power packs can be left to do their jobs, unlike generators, for example, which require fuel to run.  

Generators also produce a lot of noise, unlike the quiet run of a solar battery. It's also beneficial that most of these energy storage systems can now be monitored and controlled using smartphones for extra convenience.    


Investing in an on-grid solar panel power system with a battery is a big step towards sustainability. Adding a battery to your solar system is much better for the environment than just having solar panels. Normally, electricity from the grid comes from burning fossil fuels, which pollutes. Using more of your own clean energy reduces how much you need from the grid. This means less fossil fuel is burned and fewer greenhouse gases are produced. 

Your carbon footprint reduction also depends on the overall quality of your on-grid solar panel power system. This includes factors such as battery capacity, the size of your system, and of course, your daily energy consumption. 

Secured Energy Future 

The technology behind alternative energy is constantly evolving. Installing a battery early on puts you on the frontline, especially given the continuous rise in energy prices in the country.  

Having an on-grid battery storage system helps you better direct your electricity flow. Adding a battery to your solar system makes sending power to your home, back to the grid or storing it for later extra efficient. This also means your system can communicate with new technologies, improving efficiency, saving money, and enhancing security over time. With a battery, your solar setup becomes better equipped to adapt to changing conditions. 

Increased Property Value 

Nowadays, a well-prepared home is a good home. Energy storage is gradually becoming a staple of modern living, so having an entire solar panel on-grid system with a battery is a marketable asset for most residential properties.  

If you're a homeowner, this is an excellent chance to set yourself up for financial benefits in the future. You must remember, though, that the amount your solar system is worth depends on factors like size, efficiency, property location, and more. This is why it's crucial to seek help from a reputable provider for expert planning and installation of your system in the first place.  

How Much Is an On-Grid Solar Panel System? 

A grid-tied solar panel system is cheaper than an off-grid solar power system. However, this doesn't mean it wouldn't dent your savings either.  

For instance, a 6kW system could cost you around $18,000 before the deduction of solar panel system incentives. This price drops to about $14,000 after considering the federal solar tax credit. Despite this, these systems should be looked at as a long-term investment as they allow you to save more in the long run.  

Your on-grid solar panel system's overall price may also vary depending on the quality of your power equipment. Fortunately, there are affordable yet premium systems available nowadays. The catch is doing your research to ensure you're with the right provider who will help you choose the setup best for your power requirements. 

Choose VoltX Energy, Choose Unrivalled On-grid Solar Power 

Did someone say premium yet affordable on-grid solar panel systems? That sounds like our on-grid solar and battery systems at VoltX Energy.  

At VoltX Energy, we offer a wide range of off-grid and on-grid solar and battery systems for a variety of home sizes. For on-grid, we pride ourselves on our Economy EcoPulse Plan featuring two battery system options: The Neovolt Battery System and OliPower + Deye Inverter System.  

These battery systems are of top quality, boasting advanced features such as UPS-level battery protection. Retailing at nearly half the market price, these batteries and our equally impressive Tier 1 solar panels are guaranteed to deliver quality power like no other. 

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